Speaker Johnson Raises $10.6 Million in Q4

January 16, 2024

Contact: Greg Steele

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Mike Johnson announced he raised more than $10.6 million in the fourth quarter of 2023 as he leads the Republican conference to grow the majority this year. In Q4, Team Johnson transferred an additional $3.55 million to other Members and candidates. 

“As we enter 2024, Americans are sending a strong message that they are ready to end the disastrous Biden presidency and grow our majority in Congress,” said Speaker Johnson. “In less than one full quarter as Speaker, our team raised millions for House Republican Members and candidates fueled by hundreds of thousands of grassroots supporters. I am grateful for their support and ready to continue our momentum toward electing conservatives who will fix our broken economy, secure our border, and defend the values that make America great.”

In the latest quarter, Team Johnson raised an overall $10.6 million, and transferred over $3 million to the NRCC. In addition, the Speaker’s joint fundraising and campaign committees distributed over $2 million directly to more than 70 candidates, parties, and entities, and raised an additional $1.5 million for Members and challengers through headlining events across the country.

Additional Background:

Within his first three months in office, Speaker Johnson has raised more than $2 million online alone and fueled House Republicans’ best online fundraising week of the cyclethe best single day of online fundraising since 2022, and the most recurring donor sign-ups in one day this cycle. In his first full month in office, the Speaker-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund raised $16 million while Speaker Johnson helped the NRCC shatter the November off-year fundraising record with $9 million, outraising the DCCC by $1.5 million.


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